Friday, July 23, 2010

Fewer prisoners manage to escape.

Are window gates necessary if you live in Brussels?

According to the article, only 8 convicts managed to escape the police. This is very exciting news for Belgium. The good news is that only 3 of the 8 jailbirds actually escaped from prison. The other three escaped while being transferred to another prison or hospital. My question is how careless could these policepeople be? Yes, the number is pretty low but even one escaped convict is one too many.

My question is how does even one jailbird manage to escape police custody? Aren't these criminals in shackles? Is the guard transporting the convict, drinking a beer? Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck, is happy with the statistics. Now lets deal with the notorious overcrowded jails.

I wonder if prisoners get some beer to accompany their meals?

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